Introductory photo

Aida: A passion for service and creativity.

“My husband and I feel so blessed to be able to live and work in this beautiful place called Dare County. My goal is to work with anyone and everyone to keep this county's traditions alive while meeting the challenges that our growth is bringing.

Our challenges are not red or blue, left or right. They require cooperation, creativity, and strategic thinking. WE CAN DO BETTER, AND WE CAN DO BETTER TOGETHER.

Let's work together to keep Dare County strong and healthy for all of us and our guests. Please click on the tabs above to learn more about me and how we can work together.

Candidate signature

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To comply with State law, we must use best efforts to obtain, maintain, and submit the full name, mailing address, job title or profession, and employer's name or employer's specified field of business activity of individuals whose contributions exceed fifty dollars ($50.00) in an election.